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Jay Cameron Parker
"Get Out!"
Our eviction notice came in the way of a registered letter. We’ve lived in this house for 17 years, and our landlord lives a block away....

Jay Cameron Parker
by Robot
(The following was written by me, a person.) Being a writer used to be a real beast. As a young writer, I had to go to the library to...
Jay Cameron Parker
The parents of the bar mitzvah boy rented the section of the movie studio for the occasion. I don’t know why, other than to maybe amuse...

Jay Cameron Parker
Luckily, and Just in the Nick of Time
Hears a story: A woman is driving down a dark lonely highway in the middle of the night. Her eyes are heavy, and she’s trying to stay...

Jay Cameron Parker
Rain,car smash-up, and a Shirley Temple movie.
I was four years old when my mother went out one evening and didn’t return until six months later. Excited about her homecoming, I stood...

Jay Cameron Parker
Startling Detective and the Glamour Girl Killer
There was something wrong with Harvey Glatman. As a child, he used to strangle himself with a rope for sexual gratification. His parents...

Jay Cameron Parker
The Man With Bogart's Face
The guy looked and sounded like Humphrey Bogart. As long as you didn’t have a picture of the real Humphrey Bogart on you, this guy was a...

Jay Cameron Parker
Is There a Hallmark Card for This?
A man came to our door on a hot summer evening in 1971. My mother looked through the drapes before answering, then turned to me and said,...

Jay Cameron Parker
Some Things Can't Be Ignored
My grandfather could show off the shrapnel in his stomach and legs if asked. I must have been about six years old when he lifted his...

Jay Cameron Parker
A Murder in the Family
My aunt shot my uncle in the chest and killed him. On a warm Friday evening in Southern California in the early 1970s, with their kids in...

Jay Cameron Parker
Everybody Wants a Star-Studded Funeral, But Nobody Wants to Die
When I worked at a mortuary, I met people who’d get excited and want to hear all about it. So, I’d tell them a story, and pretty soon,...

Jay Cameron Parker
Last Stop Slumberland - A Homage to Hitchcock
My new novel, Last Stop Slumberland, is a mystery thriller that pays homage to the films of Alfred Hitchock. In it, I've used every...

Jay Cameron Parker
Pod And Deliver Podcast
Ruben Aguilar and his brother Jacob are educators in the Los Angeles area. I've known both men for over twenty years. For a time, Ruben...

Jay Cameron Parker
Facts Loosely Based on Fiction
It took Howard Unruh 12 minutes to kill 13 people and wound 3 others. On a September morning in 1949, he walked through his hometown of...

Jay Cameron Parker
Norm MacDonald, Based on a True Story
One of the strangest and funniest bios I've ever read. Macdonald writes his book with the bravado of a novice writer trying to impress....

Jay Cameron Parker
In Cold Blood
I was directing a production of Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman and found it hard to concentrate on the work in front of me because...

Jay Cameron Parker
Names Have Been Changed to Protect...Me
A young Marine is severely wounded on the island of Okinawa during the second world war. He is sent back to the states and admitted into...

Jay Cameron Parker
The Perfect Setting
I set my first novel, Machine of War, in the fictional town of Tully, Illinois. Tully is very similar to a real town in Illinois called...

Jay Cameron Parker
I Covered My Camera Lens, But They Still Saw Me Coming
I heard Brad Pitt's voice in my head at 4 this morning. It was from the movie Inglorious Bastards. "We got a saying in America. If...

Jay Cameron Parker
A Type of Writing
I didn’t always make good choices but signing up for a typing class in high school was one of my better ones. I wasn’t the best typist,...
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